The ministry of HPM has been such a blessing to us personally. They have helped us see the person of Christ throughout all scripture and opened our eyes to new revelations. We can now see truth for ourselves with a deeper comprehension of who Christ is. Realizing the truth about baptism has been instrumental in our understanding about our new nature in Christ and what it means to be born from above. Marc and Myriam have really pushed us to break out of our shelves, especially when it comes to go out to share the Gospel pray with people and minister to others in the body of Christ. Through this family, we have been provided a safe place to wrestle with our questions and grow into mature Christians.
HPM Worship Team
Being a part of HPM worship team has been very different than any other worship band. We are free to worship. It's no longer about performance or even going through the motions, but about allowing the Holy Spirit to use us. Worship is the sacrifice of ourselves
and letting HIM sing through us a new song. The growth we have experienced as a team and individually has been incredible and can only happen through HIM. We all have the same heart whether we are invited in a big venue, a park, a living room, or even in a bar, we are not doing it for people's approval but to the One who deserves our praises.
HPM weekly bible studies has changed my view and understanding on the world, as well as my own life. Knowing that Christ lives in me and I no longer have to perform for forgiveness, has set me free. I always had a hard spot in my heart for homeless people. I was one to look down on them thinking they were responsible for their situation. However, the ministry of HPM feeds the homeless at the St. John’s river every Sunday, and I was challenged to participate. To be there and serve softened my heart and made me realize that these same people I despised and feared were God’s children and my brothers and sisters. I also realized that in spite of their “choices” I had myself made poor “choices” in my life and God loved them and I was not to judge. Experiencing and witnessing how grateful they are for just the smallest conversation, or even a smile is something I will never forget. To be part of this ministry has changed my life and gave me the confidence to be Christ and share His love no matter where I am.
As a board member and supporter of HPM since its inception, I am so blessed to see all the amazing things happening. I have been able to be present and help when they have been taking food, clothing, supplies and love to the many people living at the St. John’s river in our homeless community. Marc and Myriam and their team of volunteers are making a real difference in the lives of hundreds of people on a weekly basis. They continue to open their home for discipleship, bible studies twice a week, and as a place of true ministry seven days a week. It has been a tremendous privilege to see lives touched and the hope restore as they seek to show and teach Christ to all who cross their paths!
First of all I am so grateful for brother Marc and sister Myriam. They are truly an inspiration to me. I love the way Christ uses them to lead us. I participate in their two bible studies, I come once a week for discipleship and since then my life has totally changed. I realized that Christ had died for me and I was made into a new creation. I had a true encounter with Christ and in August I made the step to get baptized and I am learning to walk with HIM. Through their teachings I have learned to show love first and always, to live a Christ centered life no matter what the circumstances. I have been a witness to my family and my sister has now come to Christ and be baptized as well. I am learning so much of the greatness Christ has to offer and has done for us and to receive it by faith. Thank you Marc and Myriam for your leadership.
Since attending HPM discipleship classes and bible studies, I have a better understanding of who Christ is and the importance of how He works in us and through us, which in return allows me to share the gospel to others with confidence. Their teachings are straight out of the word of God and I find a lot of wisdom and peace in these studies. I love the authenticity of the message and have learned so much in a short period of times about who I am in Christ. I truly cherish the times that I have when gathering with my fellow soldiers in Christ, it is definitely out of this world for me.